Girl Scout Wiki
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Samantha Kordes (b. August 8, 1997) is a former member of Troop 853 in the Girl Scouts of Nassau County and a 2015 Gold Award Recipient.

Samantha was diagnosed with scoliosis; a condition when the spine curves to the side.

Her Girl Scout Gold Award Take Action Project, Dealing with Scoliosis, shed light on the advances in treatments available to individuals with scoliosis. When Samantha was diagnosed with scoliosis, the recommended treatment was to wear a brace for 23 hours each day, though her family chose to research the possibility of other less invasive options.

Samantha’s experience inspired her to want to help others in her situation, which led to her project.

Samantha created a brochure full of resources, as well as a website with a forum enabling scoliosis patients to interact with one another.

